September 21, 2024
Dr. Eric Cline
George Washington University
1177 BC and After: The Collapse and Survival of Civilizations

May 11, 2024 
Dr. Stuart Tyson Smith
UC Santa Barbara
“From the Green Sahara to Kushite Pharaohs:
 Common origins, differentiation, and the long term
 entanglements of Nubians and Egyptians”

April 13, 2024  
Dr. Aidan Dodson
The Serapeum at Saqqara
Dr. Salima Ikram
Moo-ving  Along: Cattle Mummies from Ancient Egypt
March 23, 2024
Annual Korsyn Lecture 
Dr. Peter Der Manuelian
Harvard University
“The View from “Harvard Camp”: George Reisner
and the Giza Pyramids then and now”
February 10, 2024
 Dr Maria Gatto
Assistant Professor, Institute of Mediterranean & Oriental Cultures,  Polish Academy of Sciences
Director, BORDERSCAPE Project
For more info, please visit:
December 16, 2023
Dr. Stacy Davidson
Johnson Community College
"We Are For Egypt":A Multi-faceted Public Outreach Project On Southern Illinois’ "Egyptian" Past

November 11, 2023
Dr. Elizabeth Hart
Lithic Specialist, University of Vienna Middle Egypt Project; Kom el-Hisn Provincialism Project
Dressing for Death: How to make and wear ancient Egyptian flint bangles

October 21, 2023
Dr. Jane Hill
Rowan University
Reconstructing Osiris: Dismemberment, Decapitation, and Mummification in Predynastic Egypt

 September 16, 2023
Dr. Suzanne Onstine
Associate Professor of History
University of Memphis
The Life Cycle of Theban Tomb 16 in Luxor, Egypt 

Saturday, June 10, 2023
Rainey Auditorium
ARCE-PA Symposium: Abydos Through the Ages
Dedicated to the memory of Dr. David O’Connor
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Dr. Jessica Tomkins
Assistant Professor, Wofford College
"Rethinking Old Kingdom Kingship"
 April 15, 2023
Ellen Morris
Associate Professor of Ancient Studies, Barnard College, Columbia University 
 "Famine and Festival in Ancient Egypt"  
March 18, 2023
2023 Annual Korsyn Lecture    
Dr. Rune Nyord
Assistant Professor, Art History Department, Emory University

“No other satisfactory reason can be given”: The European discovery of the ancient Egyptian afterlife"
February 18, 2023

Dr. Sarah Schellinger

Ohio State University

"Nubia and its Neighbors: 
Non-Kushite Elements on Napatan and Meroitic Architecture"
 December 17, 2022
Dr. Caroline Arbuckle
St. Thomas Moore College, University of Saskatchewan
A Tale of Four Coffins: Exploring Egypt's History through Wooden Coffin Analysis
November 12, 2022
Dr. Maggie Geoga, Mellon
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Wolf Humanities Center
"The Afterlife of a Middle Egyptian Poem: Receptions of the 
Teaching of Amenemhat from Egypt to Nubia"
October 15, 2022

 Dr. Luigi Prada
Asst. Professor of Egyptology, Uppsala University (Sweden)

"If a crocodile has sex with her, she will die swiftly":
 Dreams and Divination in Ancient Egypt

September 17, 2022
Dr. Josef Wegner
Professor, Egyptian Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania
Associate Curator, Penn Museum

"Recent Excavations of the Penn Museum at South Abydos"

June 26, 2022
ARCE National & ARCE-PA 
In-Person Lecture!

Dr. Marc Gabolde

Professor of Egyptology
University of Montpellier 3 Paul-Valéry, France 
"The Fate of Missing and Diverted Artifacts from Tutankhamun's Tomb"
May 21, 2022
Dr. Jennifer Miyuki Babcock
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY and Steinhardt, NYU
Visiting Assistant Professor, Pratt Institute
“Drawing the Line Between “Good” and “Bad:” Aesthetic Appreciation in New Kingdom Egypt”

April 9, 2022
Dr. Campbell Price
Curator of Egypt and Sudan, Manchester Museum
“Senenmut: An Ancient Egyptian “Pooh-Bah” and his Afterlife”

March 12, 2022
Korsyn Annual Lecture
Dr. Kathryn Howley
Lila Acheson Wallace Assistant Professor of Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology, Institute of Fine Arts, NYU
“Ancient  and Modern “Body Worlds” in Egyptian Art”

February 19, 2022
Dr. Nozomu Kawai
Professor, Kanazawa University
“Tutankhamun’s Royal Court”

December 4, 2021
Tom Hardwick
Houston Museum of Science
"Reworking Pharaonic Statues"
November 13, 2021
Dr. Violaine Chauvet
Liverpool University
"A City for the Dead: Patronage & Tomb Construction in the Old Kingdom"
October 16, 2021
Dr. Anne Austin
Assistant Professor, University of Missouri-St Louis
"Revealing the Practice of Tattooing in Ancient Egypt"
September18, 2021
Dr. James Hoffmeier
Emeritus Professor
Trinity International University, Divinity School, Near Eastern Archaeology & Old Testament
"Reconstructing Egypt's East Frontier Defense Network in the New Kingdom"
June 12, 2021
Dr Cédric Gobeil
Curator, Museo Egizio, Turin (Italy)
"The Museo Egizio’s Current Research at Deir el-Medina"
May 22, 2021
Dr. Ashley Arico
Assistant Curator of Ancient Egyptian Art, The Art Institute of Chicago
"Re-viewing the Arts of Ancient Egypt at the Art Institute of Chicago"
Saturday, April 10, 2021
Dr. Kara Cooney
Professor and Chair, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA
“The Coffin of Thutmose III: 
A Case Study of Evidence of Reuse on a Royal Coffin from the Deir el Bahari 320 Royal Cache”
March 13, 2021
*2021 Annual Korsyn Lecture*
Dr. Denise Doxey
Curator, Ancient Egyptian, Nubian, and Near Easter Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
“Royal Women of Piankhy: Treasures of the Tombs at El Kurru”

February 20, 2021
Dr Solange Ashby
Adjunct Professor, Barnard College
“Priestess, Queen, Goddess: The Divine Feminine in the Kingdom of Kush”


December 12, 2020

Dr. Carl Walsh

Post-doctoral Fellow, Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia, PA

“Ensembles and Assemblages: 
Uncovering the Egyptian Collection at the Barnes Foundation”
Saturday, November 21, 2020 

Happy 15th Birthday Lecture!
Dr. Antonio Morales
Universidad de Alcalá
"The cemeteries of Deir el-Bahari and Asasif in the early Middle Kingdom:
Recent work by the University of Alcalá expedition to Luxor"
October 17, 2020

Dr. Jane Hill

Assistant Professor, Rowan University

“Primordial Gods of Upper Egypt: Local Cult in Egypt’s Predynastic Period”
September 12, 2020
Dr. JJ Shirley
President, ARCE Chapter Council
“One Tomb, Two Kings: Unlocking the Sequence of Construction and Decoration in Theban Tomb 110”

May 2020 Cancelled due to COVID 19
April 2020  Cancelled due to COVID 19
March 2020 Cancelled due to COVID 19
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Dr. Vanessa Davies
Institutional Grants and Compliance, Bryn Mawr College
“Egyptology’s Diverse History”

 December 7, 2019

 Dr. Janice Kamrin 

Associate Curator, Metropolitan Museum of Art

Finding Imhotep: The Coffins of a Ptolemaic Priest

Saturday, November 2, 2019
Dr. Nikolaos Laziridis
Associate Professor, Ancient Mediterranean History
California State University - Sacramento
Rockin' to the Dawn: Ancient Travelers: Graffiti from North Kharga

October 19, 2019

International Archaeology Day
Dr. Galina Belova

Director, Centre for Egyptological Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences 
The Mystery of “White Walls”: The New Discoveries of Memphis
 October 4 & 5, 2019
Symposium on the Occasion of Helen J. Kantor Centennial

Friday, October 4, 2019

Keynote Lecture

"Helene Kantor and Aegean-Near Eastern Connections: An Update from the West"
Tom Tartaron, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Classical Studies
Chair, Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World Graduate Group
University of Pennsylvania

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Welcome Remarks

JJ Shirley, PhD

Managing Editor, Journal of Egyptian History

Book Review Editor, JARCE

Vice-President, ARCE-PA

 "Helene Kantor and the African Origin of Egyptian Civilization"

Peter Lacovara, PhD

Director, Ancient Egyptian Heritage and Archaeology Fund 

"Helene J. Kantor (1919-1993) and Her Contributions to Iranian Art and Archaeology"

Abbas Alizedeh, PhD

Director, Iranian Prehistoric Project

Oriental Institute, University of Chicago

*Paper read by Peter Lacovara

"Achaemenid Jewelry in Classical Greece"

Jasper Gaunt, PhD

Independent Scholar

"An Ivory of the Flame and the Frond Style from Arslantepe"

Holly Pittman, PhD

Bok Family Professor in the Humanities

Department of Art History

University of Pennsylvania

Curator, Near East Section, Penn Museum

"Helene J Kantor and the Aegean-Egyptian Interconnections: Theoretical and Methodological Background of Her Work and Its Legacy"
Uroš Matić, PhD

The Austrian Archaeological Institute

*Read by JJ Shirley

"Leaping Trends in Stone: Imagery from Egypt and the Near East"

Daniel Warne

Onondaga Community College

"The 'International Style' in Egypt"

Beth Ann Judas, PhD

President, ARCE-PA

Brief Closing Remarks 

Peter Lacovara, PhD

September 28, 2019
Dr.  Jennifer Houser-Wegner
Ancient Egypt: From Discovery to Display and the Shape of Things to Come

May 4, 2019

Prof. Dr. Mamdouh Eldamaty

Professor of Egyptology, Ains Shams University, Cairo; former Minister of Antiquities, Egypt

"Recent Excavation at Arab Al-Hisn"

 April 27, 2019
ARCE-PA Mini-Symposium
Royal Tomb Decoration and the Afterlife 

Dr. Aidan Dodson
Honorary Professor of Egyptology, Department of Anthropology & Archaeology, University of Bristol
“Evolving the Magical Machine: Three Millennia of Egyptian Royal Tombs and Their Decoration”

Dr. Kasia Szpakowska
Associate Professor of Egyptology, Swansea University

Director of the Ancient Egyptian Demonology Project: Second Millennium BCE (The Leverhulme Trust)
“A Magical Mystery Tour through the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife with Ra”

Dr. Suzanne Onstine
Associate Professor of History, University of Memphis
“The Magic of Ra and Osiris in Royal New Kingdom Tombs”

March 9, 2019
 Annual Korsyn Lecture 
Dr. Betsy Bryan
Alexander Badawy Professor of Egyptian Art and Archaeology, Johns Hopkins University
"The Amarna Revolution from Above: Case Studies"

February 16, 2019
Dr. Heba Abd El Salam
ARCE National
Mallawi Community Outreach Project


December 8, 2018
Dr. Steve Harvey
Director, Ahmose and Tetisheri Project, Abydos
"Understanding Ancient Egyptian Comics: Conversations, Quarrels, and Songs in Ancient Egyptian Tombs"

November 17,  2018
Dr. John Baines
Emeritus Professor of Egyptology, University of Oxford
"Watery Landscapes of Ancient Egypt, Their Depiction, and Why They Mattered"

October 20, 2018
International Archaeology Day 2019
Dr. Geoffrey Killen
Independent Scholar, Ancient Egyptian Wood Technology and Furniture
"Ancient Egyptian Furniture: From the Earliest Examples to Those “Wonderful Things” of the New Kingdom"

September 15,  2018
Dr. Peter Lacovara
Director, The Ancient Egyptian Archaeology and Heritage Fund
“The Egyptian Empire Strikes Back: Deir el-Ballas and the Hyksos Expulsion”

June 9, 2018
Glencairn Museum

May 19, 2018 
Anders Bettum, PhD
Senior Curator, Oslo Museum
Director of the Amarna Coffin Project
“Private coffins from the Amarna Period”

April 14, 2018
Tara Prakash, PhD
Post Doctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University 
"The Prisoner Statues from King Pepi I’s Pyramid Complex"

March 24, 2018  
Annual Korsyn Lecture
Dr. Melinda Hartwig
Curator of Ancient Egyptian, Nubian and Near Eastern Art, Michael C. Carlos Museum at Emory University
"Every Tomb Tells a Story"

February 10, 2018 
Peter van Minnen, PhD
Professor, Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati
"Alexandria in the Age of Augustus: The View from Cleopatra’s Palace"

January 27, 2018
Dr. Emad Khalil
Professor of Maritime Archaeology; Vice-Dean for Graduate Studies and Research; Executive Director for the Center for Maritime Archaeology and Underwater Cultural Heritage; Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University  
"The Marsha Bagoish Underwater Project"

December 16,  2017
Dr. Jennifer Houser Wegner
Associate Curator, Egyptian Section, Penn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Adjunct Assistant Professor, NELC, University of Pennsylvania
"An Unusual Libation Basin in the Glencairn Museum"

November 18, 2017
Dr. David P. Silverman
Eckley Brinton Coxe, Jr. Professor of Egyptology, NELC, University of Pennsylvania
Curator, Egyptian Section, Penn Museum
"The Afterlife of Egyptian Kings"

October 2017
Dr. Kevin M. Cahail
Curatorial Assistant, Egyptian Section, Penn Museum
Lecturer, Penn State-Abington Campus
Of Scribes and Stables: 
Recent Discoveries in a New Kingdom Cemetery at South Abydos

September 2017
 Dr. Josef Wegner
Associate Professor of Egyptian Archaeology, NELC, University of Pennsylvania
Associate Curator, Egyptian Section, Penn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
New discoveries from the 2016 and 2017 excavations at Anubis-mountain, South Abydos

JUNE 2016
ARCE-PA's Fifth Annual Mini-Seminar
"Queenship Through the Ages"

Dr. JJ Shirley
Managing Editor, The Journal of Egyptian History

Dr. Ann Macy Roth
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Art History and Skirball Department of Hebrew & Judaic Studies, New York University
"Bald Queens with Pointy Shoulders & other Egyptian Royal Women of the First Twelve Dynasties"

Dr. Kelly-Anne Diamond
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History, Villanova University
"New Kingdom Queens: The Ascending Gender Paradox"

Dr. Beth Ann Judas
President, ARCE-PA
"Queenship in the Age of the Ptolemies"

May 2017
Dr. Niv Allon
Assistant Curator
Department of Egyptian Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art
"The General Had Four Noses: Destruction & Reconstruction in Haremhab’s Scribal Statue"

 April 2017
Dr. Salima Ikram
Professor, American University Cairo
Safe Passage: Ancient Egyptian Vernacular Shrines in the Western Desert 

MARCH 2017
The Annual Korsyn Lecture
 Dr. James P. Allen 
Charles Edwin Wilbour Professor of Egyptology, Brown University
"What's New With King Tut?"
Dr. Jacco Dieleman
Associate Professor, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA
"Pharaoh Alexander the Great:
The Egyptian Background of the Alexander Romance"
ARCE-PA Meet Up at the Brooklyn Museum
Tour of the Egyptian Galleries led by
Dr. Edward Bleiberg, Curator, Brooklyn Museum

Annual Holiday Lecture & Potluck Party!
Dr. Ellen Morris
Assistant Professor, Ancient Studies, Barnard College
"Middle Kingdom Clappers, Dancers, Birth Magic, & the Reinvention of Ritual"
Dr. Renée Friedman
Director, Hierakonpolis Expedition
"Fit for a King: Recent Discoveries in Predynastic Hierakonpolis, Egypt’s First Capital"
International Archaeology Day 2016!
Dr. Emily Teeter
Egyptologist, Research Associate, Coordinator of Special Exhibits, Oriental Institute
"Crafts and Consumerism in Predynastic Egypt"
Dr. Kasia Szpakowska
Associate Professor of Egyptology, Swansea University
Director of the Ancient Egyptian Demonology Project
"Armed and Dangerous: An Iconography of Protective Middle and New Kingdom Demons"
JUNE 2016
4th Annual Mini-Seminar: Pyramids of Ancient Egypt
Dr. David O'Connor
Lila Acheson Wallace Professor of Ancient Egyptian Art, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
"Will We Ever Know? The Mystery of Pyramid Origins"

Dr. Adela Oppenheim
Curator, Metropolitan Museum of Art
"Looking Back, Moving Forward: The Pyramid Complex of Senwosret III at Dashur"

Dr. Stephen P. Harvey
Director, Ahmose and Tetisheri Project
"The Later History of a Form: Abydos as a Pyramidal Landscape"
MAY 2016
Dr. Gay Robins
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Art History, Emory University
"Designing the Decorative Programs in 18th Dynasty Theban Tomb Chapels:
The Significance of Group and Individual Identity"
APRIL 2016
Dr. Tamás A. Bács
Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Egyptology, Budapest, Hungary
"In a Mythical Place: the Early Ramessides at Rosetau"
MARCH 2016
Annual Korsyn Lecture
Andrew Oliver, Author
"American Travellers on the Nile: Early US Visitors in Egypt, 1774-1839"
Dr. Leslie Warden
Assistant Professor of Art History & Archaeology, Roanoke College
"Social Living in the Old Kingdom"
ARCE-PA Meet-Up at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art's Special Exhibit:
"Ancient Egypt Transformed: The Middle Kingdom"
Dr. Adela Oppenheim, Curator (MMA)

Dr. Kei Yamamoto
Lila Acheson Wallace Research Associate, Metropolitan Museum of Art
"Visual Aspects of Middle Kingdom Stelae"
Dr. Arkadiy Demidchik
Professor, Department of General History, National Research Novosibirsk State University
Professor, Department of the Theory and History of Culture, Novosibirsk University of Education
"Merikare Khety – the Sixth King of the Heracleopolitan Royal House"
Dr. Regine Schulz
Director, Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum, Hildesheim, Germany
Associate Professor of Egyptology, Munich University
"The Fly: A Powerful Icon in Ancient Egypt"
Khadiga Adams
Conservator, ARCE National
"ARCE Conservation Field Schools and Theban Tomb 110"

Dr. JJ Shirley,
VP, ARCE-PA; President, ARCE National Chapter Council
"Theban Tomb 110: An Epigraphy and Research Field School"
JUNE 2015
Third Annual Mini-Seminar:
Hwt Ntjr or "Mansion of the God": A Mini-Seminar on Temples in Ancient Egypt

Dr. Beth Ann Judas
University of Pennsylvania Adjunct Faculty; ARCE-PA President
"Introduction to Egyptian Temple Architecture"
Gallery Tour: "The Palace of Merneptah (Lower Egypt)"

Dr. Betsy Bryan
Alexander Badawy Professor of Egyptian Art and Archaeology, Johns Hopkins University
"The Goddess Mut and her Temple in the Eighteenth Dynasty"

Dr. Catharine Roehrig
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Curator, Department of Egyptian Art
"The House-of-Amun in the House-of-Rejoicing: Amunhotep III’s Temple of Amun at Malqata"
MAY 2015
Elizabeth S. Bolman, PhD
Professor of Medieval Art, Department of Art History, Tyler School of Art, Temple University
"The Red Monastery Church: Beauty & Asceticism in Upper Egypt"
APRIL 2015
Aidan Dodson, PhD
Senior Research Fellow, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Bristol, England
"From Soldiers to Pharaohs: the Careers of Ay and Horemheb"
MARCH 2015
Annual Korsyn Lecture
Ronald J. Leprohon, PhD
Professor of Egyptology, University of Toronto
"A Wall for All Seasons: The funerary chapel of Pahery at El Kab"
Kathryn Bard, PhD
Professor of Archaeology, Dept. of Archaeology, Boston University and Research Fellow,
African Studies Center, Center for Remote Sensing
"Ancient Egypt and Punt: An Archaeological Perspective from Mersa/Wadi Gawasis, Egypt"

Roger Bagnall, PhD
Leon Levy Director & Professor of Ancient History, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World
"Excavating Papyri and Ostraca at Berenike and Amheida: Occupation, Dumping, and Dumps"
Kara Cooney, PhD
Associate Professor of Egyptian Art & Archaeology,
Department of Near Eastern Languages & Cultures, UCLA
Associate Professor, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA
"Hatshepsut: How a Woman Ascended the Throne of Ancient Egypt"
Steve Vinson, PhD
Associate Professor, Dept. of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, Indiana University-Bloomington
"Unwrapping Egyptology and the Occult:
The Curious Case of Battiscombe Gunn and Aleister Crowley"
Donald P. Ryan, PhD
Faculty Fellow, Division of Humanities, Pacific Lutheran University
"Beneath the Sands of Egypt: An Archaeologist Explores the Valley of the Kings"
JUNE 2014
Mini-Seminar: "Foreigners in Ancient Egypt: Context and Culture"
Dr. JJ Shirley: University of Pennsylvania/Journal of Egyptian History (Brill);
Visiting Researcher/Managing Editor
"What it Meant to be a Foreigner in Ancient Egypt"

Dr. Kate Liszka: Princeton University, Cotsen Postdoctoral Fellow in the Society of Fellows
"From Pastoral Nomads to Policemen: Ethnicity and Identity of the Medjay in Ancient Egypt"

Dr. Beth Ann Judas: ARCE-PA Chapter President
"Keftiu and Griffins: An Exploration of the Liminal in the Egyptian Worldview"

Dr. Jane Hill, Assistant Professor, Rowan University
Gallery Tour in UPENN Museum: "Foreigners in Art & Material Culture"
MAY 2014
Josh Roberson, PhD
Assistant Professor, History, Camden Community College
"It's a Man's World? Gender, Kingship, and the Afterlife in the Private Tomb of Mutirdis"
APRIL 2014
Violaine Chauvet, PhD
Assistant Professor, School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology (SACE), Liverpool University
"It's Not All About Sex, or Is It?: The Place and Role of Mothers in Private Tomb Decoration"
MARCH 2014
Annual Korsyn Lecture
John Baines, PhD
Emeritus Professor of Egyptology; Fellow of Queen's College, University of Oxford;
Faculty of Oriental Studies
"Not Only with the Dead: Banqueting in Ancient Egypt"
Josef Wegner, PhD
Associate Professor of Egyptian Archaeology,
Department of Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania
Associate Curator, Penn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
"Secrets of the Mountain-of-Anubis: Recent Discoveries at the Tomb
and Mortuary Complex of Pharaoh Senwosret III"

Dr. Stuart Tyson Smith
Professor & Chair of Anthropology, UC Santa Barbara
"Unwrapping the Mummy: Hollywood Fantasies, Egyptian Realities"
Dr. Matthew D. Adams
Senior Research Scholar, Institute of Fine Arts-NYU;
Associate Director and Field Director, Yale University, University of Pennsylvania, and
Institute of Fine Arts/NYU Excavations to Abydos
"Challenges & New Directions in the Practice of Archaeology in Egypt: A View from Abydos"
John M. Adams
Independent Scholar, Egyptophile, Author, St. Martin’s Press
"The Millionaire and the Mummies: Theodore Davis’ Gilded Age in the Valley of the Kings"
Dr. Eugene Cruz-Uribe
Indiana University East
"Seth: Evil God of Power & Might"
JUNE 2013
Mini Seminar
Death and Sacrifice in Early Egypt:
Ritual Murder and Predynastic Mummification in the Penn Museum

Dr. Beth Ann Judas, ARCE-PA President
"Mummies 101: Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Mummification"

Dr. Jane Hill, Rowan University
"The Journey Home: Reconstructing Predynastic Mummification Practices"

Molly Gleeson, UPENN Museum Conservation Lab
"A Visit to the Conservation Lab"

Dr. Ellen Morris, Barnard College
"Sacrificial Rites & Rationales in Ancient Egypt"
MAY 2013
Dr. Michael Jones
Associate Director, Egyptian Antiquities Conservation Project, American Research Center in Egypt
"Everything Is Forever Until It Is No More"
APRIL 2013
Dr. David P. Silverman, Eckley B. Coxe Jr
Professor, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
and Curator-in-Charge, Egyptian Section, Penn Museum
"Penn at Saqqara"
MARCH 2013
The Annual Korsyn Lecture
Dr. Peter der Manuelian, Harvard University
"Giza 3D: Old Pyramids, New Archaeological Reseach Tools"
Wendy Doyon, PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania
"Archaeological Battles of the Great War in Egypt:
George Reisner, Clarence Fisher, Sa'id Ahmed, Mahmud al-Mayit, and
American Claims to Archaeological Land and Labor in Egypt during the First World War"

Dr. Ed Bleiberg
Curator, Egyptian, Classical, Ancient Near Eastern Art, Brooklyn Museum
"Animal Mummies: Souls of the Gods"
Dr. Steve Harvey, Research Assistant Professor in the Department of History, Stony Brook University
"1492 BC: Or, How the Coming of the Horse and Chariot Changed the Egyptian World"
Dr. Nigel Strudwick, Visiting Professor of Art History, University of Memphis
"Pharaoh's Chancellor: The Tomb of Senneferi at Luxor"
Dr. Catharine Roehrig, Curator, Department of Egyptian Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art
"The Early Middle Kingdom Tomb of Meketre’s Estate Manager Wah"
MAY 2012
Dr. Eric Cline, George Washington University
"Amenhotep III's Foreign Relations: The Material Evidence for Diplomacy in the Amarna Age"
APRIL 2012
Dr. Aidan Dodson, University of Bristol
"Disintegrations: The Decline and Fall of Libyan Egypt"
MARCH 2012
Annual Korsyn Lecture
Dr. Nadine Moeller, University of Chicago
"New Evidence from the Hyksos Ruler Khayan at Tell Edfu"
Dr. Leslie AnneWarden, West Virginia University Institute of Technology
"The Economy of the Old Kingdom"

Dr. Betsy Bryan, Johns Hopkins University
"The ABC's of Painting in the mid-18th Dynasty"
Dr. Jessica Goldberg, University of Pennsylvania
"Writing History from Very Special Garbage: Research in the Cairo Geniza in the 21st Century"
Dr. Caitlin E. Barrett, Cornell University
"Recreating the Nile in Pompeii: Egyptianizing Iconography in the House of P. Cornelius Tages"
Dr. David O'Connor, New York University
"Mysteries of Abydos: Excavating and Saving the Monuments of Egypt's Earliest Pharaohs"

Dr. Lanny Bell, Brown University
"The Romance of Archaeology-NOT!:
The University of Pennsylvania Museum's Theban Tomb Project"
JUNE 2011
Dr. Matthias Seidel, Johns Hopkins University
"Obelisks: Skyscrapers of the Past"
MAY 2011
Dr. Josh Roberson, University of Pennsylvania
"A Tomb for Osiris: Considerations of the Marriage of Myth and Architecture"
MARCH 2011
Annual Korsyn Lecture
Dr. Suzanne Onstine, University of Memphis
"No, Not That Panehsy: University of Memphis Work in TT16 at Dra Abu el-Naga"
Dr. Yekaterina Barbash, Brooklyn Museum
"One Leonine Deity - A Multitute of Theories:
An Investigation of Egyptian Feline Goddesses and Animal Cults"
Dr. Kelly-Anne Diamond Reed, Villanova University
"The Sacred District: Preliminary Results from my Field Work in some 18th Dynasty Private Tombs"

Dr. JJ Shirley
"The Coregency Elite: Who Won & Who Lost in Hatshepsut's Rise and the Transition to Thutmose III"
Dr. Barry Kemp, University of Cambridge
"Towards a Better Understanding of Amarna: Recent Research in the City and its Main Cemetery"
Dr. Roger Bagnall, New York University
"Amheida: Excavating a Town in the Dakhla Oasis"
Dr. James Allen, Brown University
"Tutankhamun's Father"

Dr. Regine Schulz, Walters Art Museum
Dr. Matthias Seidel, Walters Art Museum
Dr. Christianne Henry, Walters Art Museum
MAY 2010
Dr. Diana Craig Patch, Metropolitan Museum of Art
"New Work at Malqata, the Palace-City of Amenhotep III"
APRIL 2010
Dr. Rita Freed, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
"The Secrets of Tomb 10A: The Tomb of Djehutynakht at Bersha"
MARCH 2010
Dr. Eugene Cruz-Uribe, Northern Arizona University
"North, West, and South from the Valley of the Kings: A Pilgrim's Journey"
Dr. Richard Jasnow, Johns Hopkins University
"Only the Sun Will See it's Mystery!: On the Temple Scriptorium or 'House of Life' in Ancient Egypt"
Tracy Musacchio, University of Pennsylvania
"Fashion in the First Intermediate Period: What Everyone was Wearing in Egypt ca. 2100 BCE"

Dr. Jennifer Houser Wegner, University of Pennsylvania
"A Word to the Wise: Onchsheshonqy Meets Poor Richard"
Dr. Roger Allen, University of Pennsylvania
"Naguib Mahfouz, Egypt's Nobel Laureate in Literature: A Retrospect"

Dr. Lawrence Berman
"The Secrets of Tomb 10A: Egypt 2000 BC" at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Leslie Anne Warden, University of Pennsylvania
"Ancient Egyptian Pyramids 101"
Dr. David O'Connor, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Dr. Matthew Adams, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Dr. Janet Richards, University of Michigan
Dr. Josef Wegner, University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Stephen Harvey, Stony Brook University
"Ancient Abydos: From Egypt's First Pharaohs to Its Last Pyramid"
JUNE 2009
Melinda Nelson-Hurst, University of Pennsylvania
"Sinuhe, the Egyptian"
MAY 2009
Dr. Susan Auth, Newark Museum
"Roman Paintings in the Luxor Temple"
APRIL 2009
Dr. Regine Schulz, Walters Art Museum
"Creation Myths in Ancient Egypt: Ontological Questions and Mythical Answers"
MARCH 2009
Dr. Edward Bleiberg, Brooklyn Museum of Art
"Living Forever in Ancient Egypt"
Dr. Ann Macy Roth, New York University
"Egyptian Landscape Painting: The Old Kingdom Mastaba Chapel as a Map of the World"

Dr. Michael Jones, ARCE Cairo
"Tracing Roman Luxor: The ARCE Conservation Project to Save the Roman Frescos"
Dr. Lisa Swart
"The Cult of the Dead in Late Pharaonic Thebes"

Dr. David O'Connor, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
"A King's Harem in Ancient Egypt: A Light-Hearted Look at Mysterious Institution"
Dr. Elena Pischikova, American University in Cairo
"Re-discovery of the South Asasif Necropolis"
Nicholas Harris, University of Pennsylvania
"Treasure Hunting 'Under' the Caliphs: Grave Robbing, De-hoarding and the Rise of the Islamic Empire"
Dr. Rainer Stadelmann & Dr. Hourig Sourouzian, The German Institute of Archaeology in Cairo
"Discoveries at the Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III and the Colossi of Memnon"
JULY 2008
Leslie Warden, University of Pennsylvania
"Through the Stargate: Hollywood's Manufacture of Ancient Egypt"
MAY 2008
Dr. Salima Ikram, American University in Cairo
"Food Fit for the Pharaohs: Food and Drink in Ancient Egypt"

Dr. Robert Ritner, University of Chicago
"Magic in Ancient Egypt"
APRIL 2008
Tom Droppelman, University City Arts League
MARCH 2008
Dr. Ellen Morris, Columbia University
"Insularity, Connectivity, and Island Identity in the Oases of Egypt's Great Sand Sea"
Dr. Everett Rowson, New York University
"Medieval Egyptian Views of the Pharaonic Past"
Dr. J.J. Shirley, University of Wales, Swansea
"Politics of Placement: The Development of the Theban Necropolis"

Dr. Betsy Bryan, Johns Hopkins University
"Cultic Revelries in the Egyptian New Kingdom"
Dr. Manfred Bietak, Austrian Archaeological Institute
"The Nature of Relationship of the Egyptians and the Minoans in the Time of the Tuthmosides"
Dr. Scott Morschauser, Rowan University
"Threat-Formulae in Ancient Egypt"
Dr. Zahi Hawass, Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities
"Recent Discoveries in Egypt: A Question and Answer with Dr. Zahi Hawass"
Day Trip to the Brooklyn Museum of Art
JUNE 2007
Kate Liszka, University of Pennsylvania
"Ramses III: King of Egypt"
MAY 2007
Dr. Jonathan Elias, Akhmim Mummy Project
"Flesh on the Bone: Reconstructing the People of Ancient Akhmim"
APRIL 2007
Jane Hill, University of Pennsylvania
"Peopling the Predynastic: Recognizing Community Difference in Egypt's Formative"
MARCH 2007
Dr. Gay Robins, Emory University
"The Small Golden Shrine of King Tutankhamun"

Dr. Alain Zivie, Mission Archéologique Française du Bubasteion - CNRS
"The Tomb of the Peace Maker in New Kingdom Saqqara"
Dr. Donald White, University of Pennsylvania
"Multum in Parvo: Bate's Island on the Northwest Coast of Egypt"
Nicholas Picardo, University of Pennsylvania
Dealing with Decapitation in Ancient Egypt: Spare Heads for the Afterlife"

David Moyer, KMT Correspondent
"Up the Nile in Style: Travel in Egypt During the Early 20th Century"
Dr. Barry Kemp, Cambridge University
"Excavations at Amarna: New Discoveries and Current Perspectives"
Dr. Donald Redford, Pennsylvania State University
"Resistance to Persian Invasion: New Evidence from Egypt
Regarding Events in the Fourth Century BCE"
Dr. Catherine Roehrig, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
"The Two Tombs of Hatshepsut"
JULY 2006
Women in Ancient Egypt: Three mini-talks by Penn Ph.D Candidates

Vanessa Smith, "Ancient Egypt's Progressive Workplace"

Beth Ann Judas, "Isis in Rome"

Rachel Aronin, "Debunking the Myth of 'The Harlot Queen of Licentious Canopus':
Classical Prejudices Against Cleopatra the Great"
JUNE 2006
Dr. Salima Ikram, American University in Cairo
"A Zoo for Eternity: Animal Mummies in Ancient Egypt"
MAY 2006
Dr. David O'Connor, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
"Defining Kingship in Early Egypt: Sorting Out Fact From Fantasy"
MARCH 2006
Dr. Josef Wegner, University of Pennsylvania
"Pharaoh Senwosret III at Abydos: A Photographic Tour through Ancient Egypt's Largest Royal Tomb"
Dr. Jennifer Houser Wegner, University of Pennsylvania
"From the Nile to the Schuylkill: The History of the UPenn Museum's Egyptian Collection"
Joshua Roberson, University of Pennsylvania
"Sexual Architecture in the Theban Royal Necropolis: New Approaches
to the Late Ramessid 'Resurrection Machine'"

Dr. David P. Silverman, University of Pennsylvania
"Tutankhamun: Exhibiting the Legend"